MSA United Consortium’s special Individual Named Legacy Grants program enables donors to fund a scientific research, education or patient support grant and name the grant in their own name, in tribute to or in memory of a loved one. The Legacy Grants program designates four levels of grants in USD: $50,000 (Platinum), $30,000 (Gold), $10,000 (Silver) and $5,000 (Bronze). Please email us: if you are interested in finding out more about this lasting gift.

Legacy Fund for Adrian Klep
Adrian was born in Bemmel, Holland in 1952. He arrived in Australia in December 1953 with his parents and 7 siblings. He was married in 1978 and by 1989 had 6 wonderful children with his beloved wife Patty. Adrian’s first job was working at Rosella Foods as the business accountant. Throughout his career he successfully helped financially structure many of our well known and successful businesses we know today such as PFD Foods. His last working post, prior to retirement, was as the Financial & General Operations Manager at CAM (The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne).In October 2022, after a number of years dealing with symptoms, he was officially diagnosed with MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). This was a very unknown territory with a disease that the family had never heard of. Adrian was always a loving husband and father and absolutely adored his grandchildren. He was an honourable man who was dedicated to helping others which has always been shown throughout his selfless generosity of his volunteer work with Rotary, Local Parish Deanery, Financial and Parish Committees, which is also apparent with the many lifelong friendships he has made and kept along his life journey.On the 9th September 2024, at the young age of 72, Adrian lost his battle with Multiple System Atrophy and now rests peacefully with his heavenly family. Adrian is survived by his Wife, 6 Children and partners and 16 Grandchildren.
The legacy funds raised will support Australian based scientific research which aims to develop more treatments and eventually, to finally cure this devastating disorder.