Multiple System Atrophy United Research Consortium




MSA is a rare, fast and fatal brain disease. MSA impairs the systems that regulate blood pressure, heart rate and the bladder – many of the basic bodily functions that people take for granted every day. People with MSA suffer from dangerously low blood pressure, speech and swallowing difficulties, sleep disturbances, breathing problems, rigidity and tremors. The life expectancy is typically 5 to 10 years. Patients with advanced MSA often become bed-bound, unable to speak and immobile. At present, there is no cure for MSA, no genetic tests to detect it, no therapy to slow it and very few treatments to manage its debilitating effects.

MSA Crusaders

Multiple System Atrophy United Research Consortium

Defeat MSA Alliance (USA)

Defeat MSA Alliance is a US based 501(c)(3) charity that aspires to balance patient support, medical education, public awareness, promising research and community advocacy.

For Info, Email us:

Defeat Multiple System Atrophy/ Vaincre L’Atrophie Multisystématisée (Canada)

Defeat MSA/Vaincre AMS Canada is a Canadian based charity that aspires to balance patient support, medical education, public awareness, promising research and community advocacy.

For Info, Email us:


The Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Ireland Partnership

MSA Ireland Partnership intends to be an inclusive based charity which aspires to support patients, educate medical professionals, raise public awareness, advocate for the community and nurture promising research. The Partnership invites all other like-minded individuals, north and south and people around the world, to unite with us in this noble task: to speak for those who cannot, with one mind, one heart and one voice: to cure MSA forever!

Combattiamo l’Atrofia Multisistemica (MSA-Italia)
La prima organizzazione Italiana a sostegno dei malati e dei caregivers che convivono con l’Atrofia Multisistemica. Il nostro scopo è fornire supporto ed informazioni a coloro che si trovano ad affrontare questa poco conosciuta patologia …
Defeat MSA Awareness Shoe

The Defeat MSA Awareness Shoe ™ has traveled to dozens of countries, rubbed shoulders with some notable people and visited many famous landmarks. The MSA Awareness Shoe is a tool for spreading awareness, increasing support for patients and their caregivers.

For Info, Email us:

Atrofia Multisistémica

Atrofia Multisistémica España es una asociación fundada en 2024 por afectados de atrofia multisistémica con la intención de aunar esfuerzos para dar una mayor visibilidad y crear conciencia sobre esta enfermedad, así como servir de apoyo a las personas afectadas por la enfermedad y sus familiares, con el objetivo de mejorar su calidad de vida.

Defeat MSA New Zealand Trust
Defeat Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) New Zealand Trust is a registered charity serving the needs of those affected by Multiple System Atrophy in New Zealand. It aspires to balance patient support, medical education, public awareness, promising research and community advocacy.
Landsforeningen Multipel System Atrofi
Landsforeningen Multipel System Atrofi blev stiftet i 2004, og har fra starten med en bestyrelse af frivillige arbejdet for oplysning om og forskning i MSA i Danmark. Bestyrelsen satte sig fra starten det mål, at der skulle findes god oplysning om denne relativt …
Atrofia Multisistémica

En honor a nuestro padre Carlos Esquivel González, un guerrero que tuvo ATROFIA MULTISISTÉMICA, buscamos convertirnos en la primera Donataria Autorizada en México, en beneficio de la investigación para contar con diagnósticos más certeros, desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos que permitan ralentizar el avance de la enfermedad y acercarnos más al descubrimiento de la cura. Buscamos el apoyo de neurólogos, doctores y terapeutas que deseen respaldar este proyecto, aportando sus conocimientos y habilidades, atendiendo a pacientes que día a día luchan contra la AMS, asimismo, aprendiendo sobre esta aún desconocida enfermedad. Constantemente compartimos en nuestras redes sociales toda la experiencia e información que adquirimos durante más de 10 años, al haber sido cuidadores de nuestro padre y con la firme intención de que se conozca más sobre la AMS.

“A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.”

~ Kahlil Gibran



Multiple System Atrophy is a very complex disease and now I have many problems. Looking back on it now, when I was first diagnosed I …
Multiple System Atrophy is a very complex disease and now I have many problems. Looking back on it now, when I was first diagnosed I entered a period where I was in deep shock and was grieving so many losses. I saw a psychologist from the onset of my illness, but still the magnitude of this disease and its problems was making it too hard to cope.
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare brain disorder that until recently was largely ignored by the research community. MSA is a rapidly progressing neurodegenerative …
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare brain disorder that until recently was largely ignored by the research community. MSA is a rapidly progressing neurodegenerative disease caused by a decline of the body’s most basic and vital functions including breathing, digestion, urination, controlling blood pressure and movement. It is not known how MSA arises, and no environmental or genetic contributors have been identified. Several mechanisms are believed to contribute to the disease process.
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